Dr. Ronald M. Yoshida Award in Philosophy
Any full-time undergraduate student. Academic merit in Philosophy 2233 or Philosophy 2234 or Philosophy 3412. Contribution to class discussion as recommended and nominated by Professor. Should Philosophy 2233 or 2234 and 3412 be offered in the same year, the professors in the Department of Philosophy will determine the successful recipient.
Philosophy 2233: Philosophy and the World View of Science: Earth and Life Sciences
Philosophy 2234: Philosophy and the World View of Science: Space Time and Matter
Philosophy 3412: Philosophy of Science
In years where the candidate pool is insufficient (i.e. none of the listed courses are offered), substantially similar courses (Philosophy) may be considered
Nominated by the Philosophy department. Payable upon confirmation of full-time enrolment in classes at the University of Lethbridge in the Fall and Spring terms immediately following the granting of the award.