Dissemination Travel Award

For conferences occurring April 1, 2024-March 31, 2025

Registered students in a full-time research-based masters or doctoral program at the time of the conference. Priority given to Master’s students in their 2nd year; Doctoral student in 3 or 4th year. Must be presenting (poster or oral) their project or thesis work at a national or international conference. Individuals may be awarded this award once per program. Applicants must apply for funding and receive notification of their award prior to attending the conference and prior to submitting conference expenses.

Funds are awarded after you return from your conference and upon completion of the post-acceptance application where you will provide proof of attendance.

Graduate Awards
Supplemental Questions
  1. Graduate Conference Travel Award
    • 1. What is the name of the Conference you are attending?
    • 2. Where is the Conference being held (City, Country or virtual)?
    • 3. When is the conference?
    • 4. What type of conference is it that you wish to attend?
    • 5. What is the purpose and objectives of presenting at this conference? How does this opportunity contribute to your program of study? How are you adding to your academic field of study? If you do not meet the eligibility for receiving this funding e.g. are not in latter half of your program at the time of the conference, you must explain why your application should be considered.
    • 6.Have you received this award previously while in the program you are presently registered?
    • 7.Please provide confirmation that your presentation at the conference has been accepted.
    • For doctoral students: Did you transfer into your doctoral program without conferring your masters degree?