Fine Arts Indigenous Graduate Admission Award

This award is nominated by the Faculty of Fine Arts Graduate Committee for Indigenous students entering into the Faculty of Fine Arts pursuing a masters degree.

Value: Up to $6,000/year for two years.


  • Must be a status Indian/First Nations, Non-status Indian/First Nations, M√©tis or Inuit.
  • Full-time students entering into the Faculty of Fine Arts pursuing a Master of Fine Art, a Master of Music or a Master of Art (major in Art, Dramatic Arts, Music or New Media).


  • Superior portfolio, audition, research paper, or compositional documentation reflecting the applicant‚Äôs most current work.
  • Financial need will be given priority.
    *This award may not be held concurrently with other awards, scholarships or fellowships valued at or above $10,000.

up to $6000
Fine Arts, Graduate Awards, Indigenous Awards