School of Graduate Studies Fellowship

Entering full-time MA, MSc or PhD thesis based graduate program. All students newly admitted to their program in the calendar year in January, May and September are considered “entering”.
Minimum 3.3 GPA for Masters and 3.5 GPA for Ph.D.

This award cannot be held concurrently with any external awards valued at $10,000 or more.

This Fellowship is adjudicated on: academic achievement, research record & potential for contributions to their respective fields of study. A complete applications requires a research title, proposal, reference letters and transcripts to be completed on the Graduate Application.

If there is a tie and there are not sufficient funds for the tied students, the following criteria will be used as the determining factor (applied in the order listed below):

  1. research potential ranking
  2. reference letters ranking
  3. Leadership experience & community involvement ranking

Anticipated Total

Anticipated total amount over the full term of this award.


Graduate Awards
Supplemental Questions
  1. SGS Fellowship
    • What other funding are you or will you be receiving (e.g. other awards, scholarships, research stipend or graduate assistantship)?
  2. Do you have any extenuating circumstances you think the selection committee should be aware of?