Indigenous Careers Award (Alberta Scholarship Program)

The Indigenous Careers Award is designed to encourage Indigenous Albertans (First Nations, Métis, and Inuit) to pursue and complete post-secondary studies in certificate, diploma, applied degree, and bachelor’s degree programs.

Indigenous Ancestry and Residency Requirements:

  • You must be Status Indian/First Nations, Non-Status Indian/First Nations, Métis, or Inuit and be able to provide proof of Indigenous ancestry.
  • You must be a Canadian Citizen or Permanent Resident of Canada and an Alberta resident.

Course Load and Study Requirements:

  • You must be enrolled in the Fall and/or Spring term in order to be considered for this award. Students enrolled in both terms are eligible for $2,000 per term for a total of $4,000. Students enrolled in only the Fall or the Spring term are eligible for $2,000.
  • You must be enrolled in at least 60% (full time studies, 9.0 credits per term) of a full course load. If you are a student with a documented permanent disability, you can be eligible if you are enrolled in at least 40% (less than full time enrolment) of a full course load.
  • Co-op students, students in brokered programs, and students who are participating in an official exchange may be eligible.
  • Criteria for continuing UofL undergraduate students: You must have completed at least a combined 18 credit hours and have earned a minimum combined 2.0 GPA in the previous Fall and Spring semesters.
  • Criteria for new transfer students: You must have transferred at least 18 credits and have at least 2.0 GPA for a transfer admission average.
  • Criteria for new students entering from High School: You must have a final high school admission average of 65%.
  • Schools may also establish additional eligibility criteria.
  • You are not eligible to receive the award if you withdraw from studies or drop from full-time to part-time studies before the award is paid.

Credential Types:
You must be enrolled in a certificate, diploma, applied or bachelor’s degree program.

$2,000 per semester, to a maximum of $4,000 per academic year
Indigenous Awards, Undergraduate Awards
Supplemental Questions
  1. Please indicate your Indigenous Ancestry:
  2. Required Document Upload: (You must provide proof of your Indigenous ancestry to determine your eligibility). Acceptable documents of proof include: certificate of Indian Status, a status card or a valid band membership card, letter from your band verifying your status, membership card issued by a Métis organization the student is registered with (Métis organization must be a legal entity), a certified copy of a Nunavut Trust Certificate card or Inuit beneficiary card, letter of support from Indigenous and Northern Affairs Canada or Nunavut Tunngavik Incorporated, or a letter of support from a First Nation, Métis or Inuit organization (must be a legal entity) confirming your aboriginal ancestry.
  3. I hereby authorize Scholarships and Student Finance to distribute all information and documentation pertaining to this application to members of the selection committee.